API Testing The Definitive Guide for Beginners!

API Testing: The Definitive Guide for Beginners!

Thanks to API, aka Application Programming Interface, we continue to have a delightful digital experience. Wondering how? Whenever you send a message on social media platforms or browse through the weather, it is nothing but an API. It is a software intermediate for two applications to strike a communication with each other. But before utilizing these APIs, it is pivotal to test them. And that’s when API testing comes in handy.

But what is API testing? What is the importance of API testing? We intend to answer all these queries with this definitive guide.

What Is API Testing?

Software Testing is meant for examining glitches in the software. The same thumb rule is applicable in API testing. It is also a type of Software Testing wherein the APIs are tested. Besides, there are many facets of API testing, but it primarily validates functionality, reliability, performance, security, business logic, and whether the API is meeting desired expectations. All-in-all, API testing intends on revealing bugs, unexpected behavior, and inconsistencies if any.

Why Do We Need API Testing?

API testing plays a crucial role than other types of testing. It helps in finding defects at a very early stage. Once the API starts working smoothly without any considerable errors, rest assured your UI will also work perfectly fine with manageable defects. As the detection of bugs is done at an early stage, it also infers that we are saving on investment and efforts. Most importantly, API testing permits the tester to make requests that are impermissible through the UI. It particularly helps in divulging security flaws in an application.

Also, to save manual efforts, an API testing automation suite can be created using libraries and tools. Further, testers and developers always need quick results to cope up with the fast-changing software industry. And this is possible with API testing as it takes less time than functional testing.

How To Do API Testing?

Apart from the SDLC process, the API testing procedure should include the following testing methods.

Discovery testing

In this step, the tester must run the calls listed in the API documentation. Furthermore, he/she must monitor whether the listed resources can be updated, deleted, or created.

Usability testing

This step verifies the functionality of API along with user-friendliness. It also evaluates the integration of API with other platforms.

Security testing

This testing step includes the type of authentication required. It also checks the encryption of sensitive data over HTTP.

Automated testing

This step is the finale to check the creation of a set of scripts or a tool. It helps in evaluating whether these scripts or tools can execute the API regularly.


A very crucial step wherein the test team ensures that the documentation is satisfactory and imparts sufficient information to interact with the API. The documentation is considered as the final deliverable.

Now, we have seen the importance of the API Testing framework and the process of undertaking it. But for a comprehensive solution, API testing tools come in handy. So, what are they? Let’s find out.

What Are API Testing Tools?

1. SoapUI

SoapUI is a functional testing tool, and it is headless, which is why users can test REST, SOAP APIs, and Web services without any hassles. The free package of SoapUI lets the user gain complete access to the source code and create favored features. Besides, the Pro package allows data extraction from files, databases, and excel for inciting consumer interactions with API.

2. Katalon Studio

The best part about this API Testing tool is that it is free and compatible with Web, API, and Mobile applications. Katalon Studio is a comprehensive solution for developers and testers as it supports SOAP and REST requests. It combines UI and API/Web services for capable functioning in multiple environments like Mac, Windows, and Linux. Thus, making it unique among the lot.

3. Postman

Earlier, Postman was a plugin of Chrome. But it now forms a collaborative platform for API development. Tagged as the famous ‘API client,’ it helps in building, designing, testing, and documenting APIs. It also expands its set of solutions to the native versions of Windows and Mac. Most importantly, if you are tired of coding, then choose Postman for API testing.

4. Tricentis Tosca

Tricentis Tosca is an automated continuous testing platform meant for accelerating testing without code and scripts for end-to-end test automation. Along with a free trial, it supports a myriad of protocols like HTTP(s) JMS, SOAP, REST, and so on. It helps in facilitating API tests across mobile and cross-browser apps. With effective model-based test automation, Tricentis Tosca also reduces the time for regression testing.

5. API Fortress

API Fortress primarily focuses on REST and SOAP APIs. Applauded for its simplicity, API Fortress proposes easy test generation with one click. Its compatibility is topnotch, which can be witnessed with the cloud and physical hardware. With an unsophisticated UI, it is a boon for beginners. Its capability of notification and data integration makes it more enticing for enterprises.

With this blog, we tried to cover maximum aspects of API Testing. Despite this, if you want to delve into more information, it’s best to get hold of API Testing classes in Pune.

Learn API Testing with Cyber Success in Pune

Many wonders – “what is the purpose of API testing?” Therefore, to uncover this riddle, people refer to many online resources. These resources highlight the types of API Testing and all about it. But getting these doubts cleared from an expert makes a difference.

If you wish to learn API Testing and gain in-depth knowledge to make a lucrative career, join Cyber Success today. Our trainers are the best in the industry and shape students to face any challenge. Our off-campus placements are one of the most prominent features. Without any further ado, call +91 9168665643, +91 9168665644, or send an email at hello@cybersuccess.biz.