Explore The Essential Characteristics Of Cloud Computing

With consistent advancements, technology has opened up impressive avenues for industries through innovative concepts like Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and the list goes on. A solution that truly has helped businesses leverage data is Cloud Computing. Today, we will dive into the essential characteristics of Cloud Computing. Before that, let’s take a quick look at what it means and how it benefits businesses.

It involves providing computing services including storage, databases, servers, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence – everything over the cloud (the internet). To put it simply, it means storing and accessing data over the internet instead of a hard drive. This has urged many companies to shift to cloud-based solutions wherein they are leveraging systems like AWS. This new-age service is becoming an integral part of the systems sitting at the core of diverse mega-corporations.

Businesses are actively investing in Cloud computing services for multiple reasons – flexibility, data recovery, little to no maintenance, easy access, and a higher level of security. It is steadily changing the way businesses store, access, and manage data. Companies that provide cloud services enable users to store files and applications on remote servers and then access all the data via the Internet.

Now that we have enough clarity on the purpose of this technology, let’s get to exploring the essential features of Cloud Computing.

Essential Characteristics Of Cloud Computing

1. On-demand Self-service:

One of the most impressive cloud essential characteristics is that companies can get access to extra cloud resources as and when they need them, without any human intervention. This means that they do not have to go through a cloud service provider for the same. These additional services or resources may include virtual machines, databases, and storage.

How can organizations avail these services by themselves? They can use a self-service portal to access their cloud accounts and browser through the many services. They can also opt for or choose to unsubscribe from the services according to the changing business needs.

2. Easy Maintenance:

The biggest challenge with most of the advanced tools is that they are not necessarily easy to maintain. Each complexity demands attention and optimization after set intervals to make sure that the technology is functioning at its best.

However, this is not the case with Cloud Computing. In this case, the servers can be maintained with impeccable ease. The process is quick, ensuring that the downtime is little to nothing in most cases. In addition, the capabilities of the resources improve with time as they are updated quite often. Each new and updated version is more compatible with the concentrated devices.

3. Wide Network:

The best part about Cloud computing services or resources is that they are available over the Internet. In some cases, they are available on private clouds like a local area network (LAN). Organizations can easily access data via multiple user portals.

Clients can manage and transfer this data from anywhere in the world, as long as they have a good network connection and a quality device at hand. When it comes to the cloud, the network bandwidth is impressive thanks to the power of the internet. This becomes a crucial factor for projects that have tight deadlines or require quick decision-making.

4. Automated Processes:

With Cloud Computing come the many advantages of automation. Availing cloud services is experiencing automation in all its glory. The cloud services or resources that the client chooses are all installed, configured, optimized, and maintained automatically.

Automation in Cloud Computing means that organizations do not have to tap into their human resources; all the effort is made by the systems. Even the hybrid cloud environments are managed easily without any human intervention. It also helps them save on resource costs while also ensuring enhanced accuracy and a seamless operational flow.

5. Resource Pooling:

Resource pooling or a multi-tenant model is a brilliant concept powered by Cloud Computing. It allows different clients to share the same space or infrastructure over the cloud. Each client is given complete privacy when it comes to data that is specific to them. Providers’ resource pools are usually extensive enough to accommodate multiple clients, while also giving them the option to scale over time.

How does cloud multi-tenancy work exactly? Here’s an analogy to help you better understand the concept. Think of resource pooling as different people staying in the same building. However, they have their residences, and hence their privacy regardless of sharing the same physical space.

6. Scalable & Flexible:

Today’s economy is so dynamic and full of exciting possibilities, that huge profits for businesses could be one quick decision away. Cloud Computing services are flexible as well as scalable. The resources are always ready to serve businesses as soon as the requirements roll in.

Clients can also make modifications or unsubscribe from the services once the project is complete and the requirements change according to the next project. Moreover, cloud resources can scale up or down automatically at a fast pace to suit the ever-changing business demands. As such, no additional contract or capital expenditure is involved in the matters of scaling the usage or capacity.

7. Data Protection:

With cyber-attacks on the rise, organizations are looking for services that provide data security. Cloud Computing is the best bet where data protection is a must. Cloud services have a feature through which an extra copy of the information is stored in another server to prevent data loss.

This way, if one server loses the data due to unwarranted mishaps, it can be easily and swiftly retained from the copy version stirred in the other server. This functionality is an absolute blessing when different teams are working on the same projects in real-time and a file suddenly gets misplaced or overrun.

8. Highly Economical:

The biggest myth that is making rounds among industries is that advanced technologies come at a high price. While this may be true for some innovations that are fairly new and are still being optimized to be launched in the market, it is simply not the case for Cloud Computing.

Given that clients can provision and deprovision cloud computing services at any point, they have complete control over the expenses involved. The actual consumption is the mega factor here. Businesses pay only for the cloud services they have used. Resource budgets can be better managed with the charge-per-use functionality provided by Cloud Computing.

Best Cloud Computing Course In Pune – Enroll With Cyber Success

Realizing its true potential, leading organizations across the globe are now embracing Cloud Computing technology for accelerating business growth. As such, now is a great time for aspiring developers to pursue a promising career in this field. Mastering the fundamentals of this modern technology will certainly help amplify one’s skills in Information Technology. However, excelling in this domain requires the development of several prerequisite skills.

Cyber Success provides an excellent Cloud Computing course in Pune that is in sync with the industry and its new ways. Our courses are a fine blend of theoretical and practical knowledge. At the end of their training, students are given Cloud Computing certifications like AWS, DevOps, and more. To know more about this course, feel free to contact us today at (+91) 9168665643, (+91) 9168665644, or drop an email at hello@cybersuccess.biz