Javascript Basic Concepts

Top 9 Things Beginners Must Know About JavaScript

If you want to carve a career in web development, then learning JavaScript should be on your to-do list. Besides, JavaScript is the most popular programming language. Because JavaScript helps in creating someaesthetic and interactive front-end elements. That’s why you may find the implementation of JavaScript on an extensive scale. Furthermore, many students are taking up courses in JavaScript. However, before taking up the course, it is important to know a few concepts of JavaScript for beginners.

So, let’s explore what they are!

JavaScript for Beginners: Must Know JavaScript Concepts

1. Grab the knowledge about basics

When it comes to basics, JavaScript is not complicated. Yes, there are huge terms like jQuery, TypeScript, etc., that might confuse you. But it is all because of the updates that have been happening in the language from time-to-time. Therefore, when it comes to ‘must know’ JavaScript concepts. Then start with basic features like error handling, if/else, string manipulation, and so on. Also, get a hang of the variable access wherein there are two – Global scope and local scope.

2. Error handling

Errors are bound to popup in coding. But one thing every JavaScript developer should know is to detect and correct the errors. Moreover, the latest version of JavaScript is a boon as it allows error handling in multiple ways. Above all, one important tip on JavaScript for beginners is to understand the syntaxes properly. It will make it easier for you to identify the errors while undertaking a code review.

3. Know everything about developer tools

When it comes to highlighting JavaScript concepts for beginners, then it is vital to know about debugging. One should ably debug and inspect how the system works. And if you need help, then JavaScript has an amazing set of developer tools for detecting bugs in code and further inspecting it. Learning these tools will help you sail through your JavaScript tutorials.

4. Become an expert in JavaScript functions

Functions are the fundamental aspect of the JavaScript language. Therefore, one thing to know before learning JavaScript is – all about functions. Understand the scope of the function, their workflow, the difference between normal functions as well as arrow functions, and much more. Furthermore, the developer should know how to utilize functions to divide the code efficiently.

5. Get equipped with basic designing knowledge

Now you might wonder, why JavaScript developers have to design elements. Well, there could be times when the visual designer might not turn up. Else, there could be conflict in interest with the designers. Then with basic knowledge of designing, you may strike a communication with the designing team. You may bridge the gap while fulfilling the product designing requirements. Therefore, it is good to have some knowledge of designing while learning JavaScript for beginners.

6. Gain knowledge of Node.js tools

In the last few years, there has been a gamut of new things in JavaScript. There have been many tools like eslint, Babel, that are proving to be a boon to many. Well, you might not know how to write an application in Node.js, but try and understand the usage of these tools. Start learning about the installation of Node while updating packages. Well, there are many libraries and tools, but getting familiar with the Node ecosystem will prove beneficial for beginners.

7. Brief knowledge about the overall performance of JavaScript

Debugging is very important to map the processes. Therefore, it is important to know all about debugging slower processes because they showcase the root cause of the problems. You must know the factors that are causing problems in the code. Alongside this, you must also focus on the UI, data structures, and algorithms because they will give you information about data handling. This knowledge will not be a waste rather it will augment your experience.

8. Have reference notes by your side

When a thought – “what to know about JavaScript,” boggles you. Then you can quickly refer to a guide or notes to unearth such queries. Reference notes are a boon when you are stuck on difficult concepts that are impossible to crack. Reference notes are filled with examples that will help you sail smoothly. Moreover, they also have a collection of older versions of syntaxes; in case if you come across any! Now, these reference notes can be in the form of online videos, guides, courses or communities. Most importantly, don’t just refer but take notes as you gain knowledge.

9. Knack for exploring new things

JavaScript has witnessed some major evolutions. And in the coming years, there are going to be more changes. So, it is very important to be prompt to accept these changes. Not just accept but keep a tab on the latest trends. Follow social media accounts, subscribe to newsletters, podcasts, online resources to keep a tab on every happening. You may also join a community to get in touch with like-minded people. It will keep you updated as well as amplify your knowledge.

So, these were some of the JavaScript basic concepts for beginners, that you may follow. But if you lag then there are many best Java classes in Pune.

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